healthcare 10 min read

How to Reduce No-Shows at Your Healthcare Clinic

Don't let "I forgot" be the reason your patients don't show up

Luke Callanan



No-shows are a significant issue in healthcare, leading to wasted resources, disrupted workflows, and financial losses. With missed appointments costing the US healthcare system over $150 billion annually, relying solely on one-way reminders isn't enough. Implementing a robust two-way patient engagement tool, like TxtSquad, can significantly reduce no-show rates by allowing patients to confirm, cancel, or reschedule appointments. This system not only enhances communication but also enables clinics to promptly fill appointment slots from waitlists, ensuring more efficient use of healthcare resources.


Nobody likes no-shows, but it seems no matter who you talk to in the healthcare sector, from primary care practioners to specialists, they are depressingly common.

And missed appointments are a big deal. They translate directly to decreased access to health care services, wasted resources, delays in diagnosing and treating disease, increased risk of complications and poorer outcomes, and can even contribute to higher mortality rates.

From the clinic’s standpoint, no-shows disrupt workflow, place more stress on the system and healthcare workers, and lead to financial loses for the healthcare system.

Missed appointments cost the US health care system more than $150 billion a year and individual physicians an average of $200 per unused time slot

Are no-shows just a costly fact of life, something the healthcare system has to accept? Based on our experience, we don’t think so.

Read on to find out how you can immediately start reducing no-show rates at your clinic!

What is a no-show?

First, let’s define our terms. What exactly is a no show?

A no-show is a scheduled appointment that a patient does not attend, but they also do not cancel in advance.

Why are they bad?

  • They waste health care resources
  • They reduce physician availability
  • They represent a missed opportunity for care
  • They tie up appointment slots that a busy clinic could easily fill with another patient in need

If no-shows are so bad, and lead to so many negative outcomes, why are they still so common? Delivering quality, affordable healthcare is difficult enough; getting patients to their appointments seems like it should be the easy part.

In order to solve the problem of no-shows, we need to understand why they happen to begin with.

Reasons patients miss appointments

There are many potential reasons for a no-show, but here are some of the more common ones:

  • Patient simply forgot the appointment
  • Communication issues reminding the patient
  • Lack of transportation
  • Scheduling conflicts
  • Fear of doctors, hospitals, medical care in general
  • Financial issues
  • Childcare/eldercare commitments

There is obviously no silver bullet that addresses all these causes at once. If a patient lives far from the clinic, can’t afford afford time off work, or has to care for their sick child or elderly parent, the odds that they don’t show up for their appointment increases.

But there is some good news. A 2004 study discovered that the number one reason patients no-showed was that they simply forgot the appointment.

32.9% of no-shows are because the patient forgot the appointment

If the problem is indeed that the patient simply forgot their appointment, or wasn’t reminded in a timely and effective manner, this can be tackled and solved relatively easily.

How to reduce no-shows

Given that patient forgetfulness is the number one reason for a no-show, an effective solution is to remind patients of their appointments in a timely fashion using a convenient method.

Enter the text message.

The vast majority of people own a cellphone. The Pew Research Center reports that 97% for Americans have one. Stats Can puts that number at 94% for Canadians.

Many industries have already capitalized on this fact and are using SMS or text messages to notify clients, customers, and patients about their appointments. From furniture delivery to bank appointments, if an event has a date, time, and a cell phone number attached, a text message reminder can be a simple but powerful method to deliver a reminder.

I love the fact that patients are getting text reminders. It’s cutting down the no-shows and providers’ time isn’t wasted. A lot of providers are booking one, two months in advance. Before they had three no-shows in a day. That’s three appointments we could have had someone else in if we knew they weren’t going to show up because they forgot their appointment. One day there was one provider, out of her twelve appointments, only four patients showed up that day. That was before TxtSquad. That was a big waste of her day.

-Clinic clerical staff

Appointment confirmations for primary health care

TxtSquad has been working with walk-in and primary care clinics to tackle the no-show issue and we’ve found that text messages are incredibly effective at reducing no-show rates.

But don’t just take our word for it:

A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of text message appointment reminders shows that “patients who received notifications were 23% more likely to attend clinic than those who received no notification”

Those receiving notifications were 25% less likely to ‘no show’ for appointments.

This rings true with our experience. As part of a pilot project with a provincial health authority, we rolled out text message reminders to a handful of clinics. Our system was used to schedule reminder messages 7 days, 3 days, and 1 day before the appointment date.

If this sounds like too many reminders, there is strong evidence to suggest that two or more reminder notifications can increase attendance by 19% over a single appointment reminder.

Advantage of text message reminders

  • It’s the simplest, most direct channel to your patients. Everyone carries their cellphone in their pocket.
  • Special apps and portals require users to sign up for an account and remember their login credentials, causing friction.
  • Paper appointment cards are easily misplaced and can only be given to the patient in person when they present at the clinic.
  • Letters by post take days to deliver and often go unread until the appointment date has already passed.
  • Phone calls are time consuming for both clinic and patient and more often than not lead to busy signals and frustrating games of telephone tag.
  • Unlike voice notifications, patients are able to reread and refer back to text notifications at their own convenience.

Reminders are effective, but they’re not enough!

Let's revisit the definition of a no-show: an appointment that a patient does not attend and does not cancel in advance.

A one-way text reminder that allows a patient to cancel is only part of the solution. While it may reduce the number of no-shows by alerting the clinic that a patient isn’t coming, it raises another question: what can the clinic do with this information? When a patient texts to cancel, the clinic is left with an open appointment slot and a provider who remains idle during that time, costing money. So, how can clinics effectively fill that gap?

This is where a comprehensive two-way patient engagement system becomes essential.

TxtSquad’s reminders allow patients to confirm, cancel, or reschedule their appointments. Once a patient responds to cancel, the clinic is immediately notified and can see the cancellation in their dashboard. This allows staff to begin contacting other patients right away to fill that slot.

TxtSquad also provides valuable feedback and analytics on reminder performance, including delivery rates and patient responses. This data equips clinics with actionable insights:

  • If your message delivery failure rate is high, it’s time to update patient records with current cellphone numbers.
  • If the action rate is low, additional patient education may be needed to emphasize the importance of engaging with appointment reminders.

Even if a patient cancels, the clinic is informed and can adjust quickly, allowing them to fill the appointment from a waitlist.

As one clinic clerical staff member noted,

“We don’t get as many no-shows because patients are receiving the text messages. Even if they cancel the day before, we can fill that spot and rebook them through text. We can take someone off the waitlist.”

Clinics can easily message waitlisted patients to offer them available appointment slots, which is much faster and more efficient than making phone calls. Another staff member shared,

“I would say no-shows are probably 50% less. Even if patients cancel the day before, we can still find someone to take their place. Before TxtSquad, people couldn’t get through on the phone to inform us about their cancellations. If they couldn’t reach us on their first try, they often wouldn’t call back, leaving us unaware of their absence.”

Prior to implementing TxtSquad, patients who wanted to cancel an appointment would often “try calling the clinic a million times and probably never get through, and then just not show up,” one clerk explained. This scenario still resulted in empty appointment slots.

The ability to quickly and easily reach out to other patients to fill those slots is the true game changer.


No-shows are an unfortunate reality and it is impossible to eliminate them all. There are simply too many often complex reasons for them. Every patient has a unique personality and set of circumstances that affects their ability and likelihood to show up for an appointment.

But don’t let “I couldn't get through to cancel or reschedule" be the reason you have a no-show.

There are ways to reduce your no-show rate and proactively manage the holes in your scheduling this creates. Two-way text messaging is a powerful tool to help you fight the battle against no-shows.

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