Text Messages have 96% read rates!
If I were to pull my phone out of my pocket right now you would see little to no unread text messages, but probably over a thousand unread emails in my inbox. Why? I don’t like to read emails… and I’m not alone. A marketing email with 30% open rates is considered great by most standards, but for text messages, the open rate averages above 96%!
People Like Personalized Communication, but not too personal…
I don’t know about you, but some days I just don’t want to talk to anyone, even friends. So why would I want to talk to someone I don’t even know. Texting is formal enough where you can communicate in a non intrusive way, but it still flows like a conversation in most cases.
Texting Saves Everyone Time
Most days people don’t have the time for a call in the middle of the day whether they've got to get the kids to school, walk the dog, go to work, pick up the kids… you get it. A simple text is sufficient in 99% of cases when reaching out to customers.
Texting is Easy
I’m pretty sure since you are reading this right now on a computer that you have both sent and received a text message. It is by far the easiest mode of communication there is.
You’ll Reach More Customers Faster
A texting campaign can reach a targeted audience faster than both email and phone calls. They are far more likely to read what you wrote over text and they, more than likely, won’t even answer your phone call.